Muhimbili National Hospital – Mloganzila

IT and Telephone Department

IT and Telephone Department

The Core function of the Department is to address the technical aspect of ICT in order to support the Hospital in achieving its mission and Vision

The department has IT infrastructure that supports all hospital functions. It has a computer network system that covers the whole of the Hospital’s area with a capacity to support over 1000 nodes at a time. The link between server room and all floors is made possible using Fiber Optic cables connecting to gigabit interface access switches.

The core system of the hospital services is Hospital Management Information System (HMIS) , HMIS was implemented at MNH-Mloganzila in 2018. Jeeva is integrated from different modules i.e. patients’ registration, human resource management, payroll, finance, PMU, laboratory, pharmacy, etc. Also Wellsoft system which is used in Emergency Medicine, Clear Canvas is a medical imaging technology which provides economical storage and convenient access to images from multiple modalities (source machine types), E scan antivirus for the protection of information assets. Nurse calling system for easing communication between patient in wards, toilets, washrooms and nurse at the nursing station. Announcements are made possible using state-of-the-art Public Addressing System installed and available in all locations of the hospital building including annexed parts. Biometric Attendance Record System for monitoring and managing attendance of staff.

The telephone unit is tasked to overseeing internal and external telecommunications.  We have telephone system (ERICSON LG based PABX) with capacity of 2000 telephone lines but currently only 832 internal telephone lines are installed. It has 7 digital trunk gateway modules with the capacity of 28 trunk lines. 

The department oversee and supervise other ICT system/infrastructure like CATV, CCTV, Fire Alarm, Video conference facility, Audio Visual system

The main activities performed by the department are to

Provide ICT Support: ICT support is handled by the ICT support team that acts as ‘safe guard’ to users in the ICT resources pool. Through use of a ticketing system, all reported issues are well handled and resolved timely.

Conduct Training: We often conduct in house training to staff on new systems or on available systems whenever they face challenges in using them

Manage Hospital Systems: One of the key activities fulfilled by the department is managing systems that collect data, process and disseminate information/ reports to different levels of the hospital. One such system is the Patient Information System (HMIS).

Maintenance of ICT Infrastructure: The department performs both preventive and corrective maintenance of ICT infrastructure and systems to insure optimal performance 

However, the hospital is responsible for developing, operating and maintaining the hospital ICT infrastructure, Local Area Network (LAN) and the internet. The hospital is also responsible for maintaining and updating hospital Management Information Systems and maintenance of the hospital Website.

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