Radiology Department is a department under the directorate of Clinical supportive services and deals with mainly Diagnostic radiology. Currently we are also practicing some of the interventional Radiology basic procedures.
Radiology mainly has four units/sections namely: X-ray (Digital plain x-ray and mammography), Ultrasonography, CT scan and MRI
Radiology X-ray services
The X-ray unit is equipped with 2 digital x-ray machines, one from Korea and the other from GE.
All conventional radiographic examinations are done at our unit.
These examinations include x-rays of all parts of the body mainly of the chest, bones, gastro-intestinal and genito-urinary tracts
Radiology Mammography services
Our radiology practice is equipped with a digital Mammography machine.
Mammography is a specific type of breast imaging that uses low-dose x-rays to detect cancer early – before patients experience symptoms, it aids in diagnosing breast neoplasm at an early stage when it is most treatable.
Radiology Ultrasound services
An ultrasound machine emits very high frequency; inaudible sound waves which reflect off body tissues to create images of internal organs. The procedure is painless and usually takes less than 30 minutes.
Ultrasound is safe and it does not emit any radiations.
We have 7 working ultrasound machines operated by expertly trained Sonographers/Radiographers and Radiologists. Most of our machines are GE brand
A full bladder is often useful during pelvic ultrasounds for better visualization of pelvic organs hence patients may be instructed to drink water before the scan.
When making your booking, you may be asked to fast for 6 hours before your abdominal ultrasound studies. This results in less gastric and intestinal gas aiding a better visualization of upper abdominal structures.
Radiology CT scan services
A CT or CAT scanner is a doughnut-shaped machine that uses advanced x-ray technology to create images of different body organs.
A computer then reconstructs the cross-sectional images of your body, called slices or sections.
Advancements in CT technology now make it possible to diagnose certain diseases earlier and more accurately than with other imaging tools.
Our CT unit uses the most advanced scanner technology available, providing images of exceptional quality and the lowest possible radiation dose.
Our 64 slice CT scanner from GE allows us to perform advanced 3-D reconstructions as well.
Radiology MRI services
Our radiology practice is equipped with an advanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging machine (MRI) unit of 1.5Tesla from GE.
MRI uses no radiation and delivers exquisite images of the body with no known detrimental health effects.
MRI uses a powerful magnet which is permanently activated and patients with any metallic implants or other metallic fragments in their bodies should make this known to their doctor or radiologist prior to entering the MRI room.
Patients with pacemakers should under no circumstances enter the MRI room.
TATs for Radiology studies done at Radiology Department
Radiology Department ensures the provision of Radiology reports timely according to our set TATs