The Department of Surgery is one among the six departments in the Directorate of Surgical Services. The overall responsiblilty of the department is to provide effective,efficiency and high quality tertiary specialized surgical services.It has three units:
- General Surgery
- Urology
- Pediatrics Surgery
General Surgery as a unit is responsible for all surgical conditions both emergency and elective cases.The most common emergencies performed include laparatomies for pertionitis,intestinal obstruction,abdominal trauma and amputations for diabetic feet. Elective surgeries done are like mastectomies, thyroidectomies etc. Other conditions managed are burn injuries, Post burn contractures, post traumatic contractures, neurofibromatosis keloids, lymph oedemas, chronic ulcers, benign breast hypertrophy and pressure sores. Through collaboration with super specialists from MNH Upanga, the following surgeries are done: biliary surgeries, surgeries for gastric and colon malignancies, surgeries for empyema thoracis, thoracotomy for achalasia of the oesophagus, lung resections, and myasthenia gravis. Endoscopic procedures, both Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy (OGD) and Colonoscopy are also performed.
Urology unit offers super specialized services for urological surgical conditions. Both open and endoscopic surgeries are performed. Common conditions which are managed include Benign Prostatic hypertrophy (BPH), Urinary bladder cancer, Prostate cancer, Urethral stricture, Hydronephrosis, Hypospadias, undescended testis, renal tumor and Posterior Urethral Valve (PUV). The following are emergency conditions commonly attended: urinary retention, ureteric injuries, post traumatic kidneys and urinary bladder injuries. Very soon, “Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy” will start following the recent installation of the machine.
Pediatric surgery unit is responsible for all surgical cases of children under the age of eleven years with the exception of children with the following conditions who are managed at respective units: orthopaedic, neurosurgical, urology and plastic conditions. Cases commonly seen include hernias, anorectal malformations, hirschsprungs disease and Paediatric tumors. Laparatomy is a common emergency procedure done for the following conditions: peritonitis, intestinal obstruction, hernias, and trauma.